
FruitPodcast Shrubs

How to Grow: Elderberries

Learn about elderberries, including how to plant and grow them. Listen to podcast: podcast transcript How to Grow: Elderberries Sambucus spp and hybrids   Other Name Elder     Sun Requirements full sun, part sun   Bloom Period and Seasonal Color Spring with white or pink flowers. It also has attractive red or black berries     Mature Height x Spread 5 to 12 feet x 5 to 10 feet     Added Benefits Native, attracts beneficials   Elderberries are common shrubs often found growing wild in meadows, abandoned fields and...

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Fruit Trees

How to Grow: Figs

There is nothing like the taste of fresh figs. They put Fig Newtons to shame. Those gardeners in USDA hardiness zones 7 and warmer know the pleasures and ease of growing fig trees outdoors. But even gardeners in colder climates can include this fruit in their foodscape. Figs can grow into medium-sized trees (30 feet tall) so you’ll need space for them. You can also grow dwarf varieties or grow them in containers. Fresh figs are tasty eaten raw or cooked into pies, puddings, cakes, bread or other bakery products. How to Use in Foodscaping...

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How to Grow: Fruit in Pots

While most gardeners like to grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers in containers, you can do more. Many fruit trees and berry bushes come in dwarf forms that allow you to grow apples, peaches, blueberries and strawberries in containers on a high rise balcony or a rustic deck. Fruit Trees in Pots Columnar apples trees, such as 'North Pole', only grow 8 feet tall with stubby branches. Fruits form along the trunk and branches making this small tree perfect for container growing. There are self fruitful, dwarf peaches, such as 'El Dorado', and...

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How to Grow: Grapes

Learn about grapes, including how to plant and grow them. Listen to Podcast:   How to Grow: Grapes Whether you’re growing them for juice, wine or fresh eating, grapes (Vitis) are a great home garden fruit. They’re self pollinating and productive so you can grow just one vine. Grapes can be trained to grow in small space or can be trained over a pergola or arbor. They require little care besides pruning, can grow on less than ideal soils, and fruit for up to 25 years or more. I often recommend people grow them because they fit in small...

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Fruit Vines

How to Grow: Hardy Kiwi

Learn about selecting the right varieties and how to grow hardy kiwi in your garden. Listen to Podcast: Growing fruit is becoming more popular and many gardeners are experimenting with some exotics too. Well, it doesn't get any more exotic in the fruit world than the kiwi. But I'm not talking about the fuzzy, tropical kiwi, but the hardy kiwi. With bald green, sweet tasting fruits about the size of a grape, the hardy kiwi is a tough, aggressive vine that produces fruit in abundance. Hardy kiwi is a perennial vine that hails from Siberia....

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How to Grow: Heirloom Apples

Learn about heirloom apples including varieties to try and growing techniques. Listen to Podcast: With the exploding production of hard ciders, there has been a renewed interest in antique or heirloom apple varieties. Apples were originally grown in our country not for fresh eating, but to drink. And hard cider was especially prized. You can see why everyone was so excited with Johnny Apple Seed running around the countryside sowing apples. Back a hundred years ago, there were many more varieties of apples than grown today. Specific...

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How to Grow: Honeyberry

Learn how to select and grow honeyberries Listen to Podcast: I'm a bit of a fruit freak. While others travel to exotic climes to enjoy the scenery, beaches and culture, I'm always looking for the fresh food markets to taste durians, dragon fruit and cherimoyas. While these sound exotic, we actually can grow some cool, unusual fruits in our climate too. One of my latest discovering is the honeyberry. The honeyberry or Lonicera caerulea, is a native of Siberian and Japan. In Russia it's called the zhimolost and Japan, haskap. Honeyberry is...

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How to Grow: Melons

Learn how to plant and grow melons in your garden. Listen to Podcast: podcast transcript My wife Wendy grows a big patch of melons (Cucumis melo) each year. Come late summer it's a literal vigil to see when the first melon is ripe. There's good reason to be so interested. Fresh melons picked warm from the garden are sweet, juicy and certainly a decadent treat, much better than anything bought in the grocery store. While melons love the heat, you can still grow these sweet treats in the Northeast if you select the right varieties and have...

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Fruit Trees

How to Grow: Mulberries

Learn about growing mulberry trees, including varieties and how to plant and grow them. Listen to Podcast: podcast transcript How to Grow: Mulberries We mostly know mulberries from the children’s nursery rhyme. Many gardeners avoid them because mulberries can grow up to 50 feet tall and the black fruits can stain walkways and houses. That’s a shame, because by selecting different varieties you can have a mulberry tree that stays manageable and is non-staining. The fruits have the flavor of a sweet blackberry and are good in pies, juiced,...

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Fruit Shrubs Trees

How to Grow: Nut Bushes

Learn how to grow various nut bushes and trees. Listen to Podcast: Sometimes it's good to get a little nuts about gardening. Nut trees and bushes are great landscape plants providing shade, screening, food and shelter for wildlife and delicious nuts for us, too! Yes, many nut trees are slow growing, but they're landscape legacies. Maybe you or your children won't enjoy the 70 foot tall walnut tree, but you're leaving behind a tree for future generations to appreciate. So what nuts can we grow in Vermont? Surprisingly a lot. Black walnut...

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