

How to Grow: Controlling Cabbageworm

Listen to this podcast on how to control cabbageworm caterpillars in your garden   If you've ever grown broccoli, cabbage, kale, or cauliflower you know this insect. We've all experienced this. You're happily washing your head of broccoli or kale leaves when you come across a green caterpillar. Worse yet, if you miss them you end up having a little protein in your veggie dish. The cabbageworm, and related cabbage looper, are common insects that attack all the Brassica or broccoli-family crops. They start in early summer as a harmless...

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How to Grow: Controlling Cucumber Beetles

Listen to this podcast on how to control cucumber beetles in the vegetable garden.   They're small, black and yellow and seem like they shouldn't be a problem in a vegetable garden. But they are! The cucumber beetle comes in two versions. The black and yellow striped or spotted species. Both cause damage to cucumbers, melons, and squashes by feeding on young transplants and seedlings and flowers and transmitting bacterial wilt disease to plants. For such a small insect, they can pack a wallop. To control them you should know a little...

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How to Grow: Controlling Flea Beetles

Listen to this podcast on how to identify and control spring weeds organically. There's nothing more discouraging than working hard prepping your vegetable garden soil, making beds and sowing seeds, only to find as soon as the little plants emerge they get eaten by insects. One of the worst culprits this time of year is flea beetles. These small, black beetles literally hop when disturbed, hence the common name. This also makes it hard to catch and kill them. You'll notice their activity on radishes, kale, and arugula seedlings as they...

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How to Grow: Controlling Squash Bugs

Learn how to control squash bugs in the vegetable garden. Listen to Podcast: Podcast Transcript After having eaten enough straight necks, crooknecks, and patty pans and have played enough games of zucchini bowling and juggling to last a lifetime, I sometimes welcome insect attacks on squash. Yes, summer squash and zucchinis are prolific, but they do attract certain pests that can downright kill the plant. Let's talk about the big two: squash bugs and squash vine borers. Squash bugs are probably the most hated squash pest. These grey bugs...

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How to Grow: Controlling Tomato Blight

Watch this video to learn about the various types of tomato blights and how to prevent them from killing your tomato plants in summer. Learn about controlling tomato blight disease including resistant varieties. Listen to Podcast: We've all seen it happen. Your tomatoes are growing great with vigorous growth, flowers and even small fruits. Then it starts on the bottom leaves with some spots or browning. Slowly it spreads. Then more quickly to engulf the plant until by mid summer your prized tomatoes are nothing but stems with a few fruits....

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Soils & FertilizerVegetable

How to Grow: Cover Crops

Learn about cover crops, including how to plant and grow them. Listen to podcast: We have a new property and lots of land to farm and garden. But before I go hog wild and buy trees, shrubs, and perennials, I want to build the soil. One of the many things I've earned over the years in gardening is you need to take care of your soil before anything else. One of the best ways to feed your soil is by growing cover crops. Cover crops are legumes and grains that are specifically grown to be turned back into the soil. They have been used for...

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How to Grow: Cucamelon & Unusual Cucumbers

Listen to this podcast on how to grow cucamelons and other unusual cucumbers. The cucumber as we know it from our salad bowl is, in fact, a 3,000 year old vegetable from India. There are many variations of this melon-friendly veggie; let's look at a few. Most gardeners grow cucumbers for fresh eating in salads and smoothies or to make into pickles. While the fruits are usually elongated with green skin, there are some unusual varieties that are worth growing. 'Lemon' cucumbers grow into small, round, pale yellow balls. Believed to be...

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How to Grow: Cucumbers

Learn about cucumbers, including how to plant and grow them. Listen to Podcast: podcast transcript How to Grow: Cucumbers There’s nothing more refreshing than munching into a freshly picked cucumber (Cucumis sativus) on a hot summer day. It’s cool, juicy and thirst quenching. I’ve been known to stand in the garden munching a freshly picked cuke for lunch. Just pass the salt shaker. Traditionally there have been two types of cucumbers you can grow; short and spiny picklers and long and smooth slicers. Now with more gardeners growing...

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How to Grow: Dandelions

Learn about dandelions, including how to control and eat them. Listen to podcast: Peter Campion called it "the flower that is a weed that is a flower". We call it the dandelion. Dandelions are one of the most maligned flowers in our yard and they shouldn't be. They have a rich history in Europe as a medical and edible plant stretching back to the 11th century. The name derives from the French "dent de lion" or tooth of the lion referring to the serrated leaves. When the Mayflower landed in North America, there were no dandelions. Blame it...

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